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The Rovers still rove August 28, 2007

Posted by truthspew in All Things Considered, iTunes, last.lfm, Mars, music, NASA, npr, Opportunity, robotics, rovers, Spirit, Steve Squyres.
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Some good news from NASA regarding the Mars Rovers.

I still find it amazing that those rovers were only supposed to be on the surface of Mars for 90 sols (Martian Days). They’ve now been up for 1,271 sols, or 14.1 times longer than they were supposed to be active.

Those rovers are a testament to engineering at its very best. It is nice to see that it still exists somewhere in the U.S. and NASA still pulls it off.

What I can’t imagine is the excess data being sent by the rovers. They had their hands full with 90 sols of info, now they’ve got much more than that. While the Viking landers may have found life, the rovers Opportunity and Spirit may help us get a much more focused picture of what that life on Mars actually happens to be.

So kudos to NASA and Steve Squyres on the re-starting of the rovers. For a while there I thought all was lost but it isn’t.

Now playing: Jack Johnson – Better Together
via FoxyTunes

Milton Friedman's 1991 Interview in support of Legalization March 6, 2007

Posted by truthspew in drugs, enforcement, government, Mars, Progressive Politics, society, Steve Squyres.

Legalize It

Renowned economist Milton Friedman gives a logical argument as to why drugs should be legalized. I would loved to have had Friedman as a college economics professor. He really takes the interview in his own direction, leaving the interviewer a bit flustered at times. He’s well prepared with facts which I find admirable.

Anyhow this video was recorded in 1991. Enjoy!

Tucker Carlson smacks down Congressman Mark Souder February 13, 2007

Posted by truthspew in America, Cartoon Network, drugs, enforcement, Error 10048, Fox News, government, health, intelligence, legislation, Mars, medicine, politics, Progressive Politics, republican, Skype.
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This is fantastic. The congressman is obvisously pulling facts out of his ass.

Like marijuana users are also multiple drug users. Well, I suppose if you include caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol they are.