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Al'Cohol – Wines I like. June 24, 2007

Posted by truthspew in arabic, beer, neocons, social security, wine.
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The reason I separated the word Al’Cohol is because it’s originally an Arabic word. Al being the equivalent of ‘the’. Allah used be Al’Ilah, in essence THE God. Then there are the stars in the constellation of Orion, Al Nilam and Al Nitak. If I recall correctly those translate to the belt and sword stars of Orion. Yes, the early astronomers were Muslim Arabs which begs the question, what the hell happened? But you get the point, Al == The in English.

Anyhow I’ve now entered my wine experimental phase. I’ve written about it before but added a few to my repertoire. I’m becoming such a wine snob. This from a guy who also knows the difference between a pilsner, ale and stout and know that I like my brews with a bit more hops.

I found I definitely dig German Rieslings. I also found that I like Sauvignon Blanc better than Pinot Grigio.

Rieslings are sweet white wines. Sweet to the nose, on the pallet, sweet on the tongue with a nice after taste. If you think your tastes run towards sweet wines, try this one out.

The Sauvignon Blanc is interesting. Powerfully sweet aroma, yet very light and dry on the tongue and pallet. It’d go good with pork actually. Which is good because tonight I’m doing my brined pork chops on the grill.

I’ve also been thinking about making my own wines. You can pretty much make it out of anything and I’d particularly like to try making it with strawberries, cherries, or peaches. Mmmm mmmm. Toxic fruit! I used to think about brewing my own beer and ales but it’s a process that takes a long time and requires lots of labor. Fermenting fruits is more my style so I think maybe this year I might become an amateur vintner.

Trying wine May 17, 2007

Posted by truthspew in wine.
1 comment so far

I’d always been a beer guy. I can tell you I like an ale better than a stout, or that I like the flavor of hops and so like hoppy beers.

Over the last few months I’ve branched out into wines.

So far I’ve tried:
Merlot (I like it, but it’s not for use with everything.)
Negroamaro-Cabernet (Very good red wine!)
Shiraz (Like it!)
Pinot Grigio (Good with fish)
Pinot Noir (Excellent red wine!)
Two different Rieslings by different vendors. Love Rieslings.

I’m actually starting to learn what goes well with what. Sure, beer goes well with just about anything but with wine you have to be a bit pickier.

But overall I’m enjoying my little tour. For example, I’ve also tried various vintages and brands of many of those wines. There are some vintages of Pinot Grigio that I wouldn’t give to my worst enemy. Then there are some that I would.

And wonder of wonders, the boss makes his own wine. He’s promised me a sampling. I can’t wait.