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AFA Upset that McDonald's Sponors SF Pride July 29, 2008

Posted by truthspew in AFA, Gay Pride, Gay rights, objectionable material, prudes, puritanical, religion, secular society, stupidity.

Oh this is great. The AFA has their nads in a lather again. This time its over McDonald’s being a sponsor in the San Francisco Gay Pride parade and festival.

McDonald’s sponsors gay pride parade

Dear Truthspew,

McDonald’s says they “stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment,” here is what they ! won’t tell you. McDonald’s helped sponsor the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade. Want to see what McDonald’s considers worthy of support? Click here. (Warning: These photos are extremely offensive and graphic.)

AFA asked McDonald’s to remain neutral in the culture war. The company refused, stating they will continue to support the gay agenda including same-sex marriage. AFA has called for a boycott of McDonald’s restaurants.

McDonald’s spokesman Bill Whitman told the Washington Post that those (even Christians) who oppose homosexual marriage are motivated by hate, saying that “… hatred has no place in our culture.”

This boycott is not about hiring homosexuals or how homosexual employees are treated. It is about McDonald’s choosing to put the full resources of their corporation behind promoting the homosexual agenda.

To help promote the gay agenda, McDonald’s paid $20,000 to become an official “organizational ally and corporate partner” of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and secure a seat on the group’s board of directors. The NGLCC lobbies against laws protecting marriage as between a man and a woman.

Get ready for the link to the images they find so shocking. First of all, in only one picture do I see a gent with it all hanging out. The rest of the pix have genitalia covered. It’s just they object to showing so much skin I suppose.

They even put up this warning:

WARNING: The images below contain male full-frontal nudity. Please be aware and exercise caution before viewing these images. If you are under 18, please leave this page!

Ok, you’ve been warned. Prepare to be scandalized.

Click here.

Note that at the very bottom of the pix is one of a little girl with a balloon and the caption reads “And, sadly, yes. This little girl was exposed to everything you see above. Thanks, McDonald’s.”

Yes, thank you McDonald’s for not caving in to the demands of a bunch of religious fuckwits. Because that is precisely what the people at the AFA are, they are the people who would like to force their religious world view on the rest of us.

Christianity has had a roughly two millennium chance to get things right and they’ve failed miserably at the task. It is time for us to move past the religious bullshit and embrace a concept called personal responsibility.

Move toward spirituality and that spirit tells you to love one another, not start angry pogroms because a man has sex with a man, or a woman with a woman, or even a man with a woman. You’d be surprised, some of the more mentally unbalanced in the AFA think that even straight people shouldn’t have sex, or at least not sex that they’ve put the AFA stamp of approval upon.

I think we still need Gay Pride (Yes, I know, LGBTQ….) because every day we’re surrounded by straight pride, including the asinine blabbering of the people at the AFA. We see PDA’s, we see it in the majority of literature, television, movies, etc.

And then there is the homophobic attitude of the AFA. I guarantee you there’s more than one closeted homo in that organization. Look at the track record of others who were vociferously anti-gay. I’ll use Ted Haggard as an example. Yep, don’t piss off a gay hustler is the only advice I could give to Teddy Boy. Look at the most homophobic congressmen who’ve been caught with pants down and worshiping at the altar of the cock.

We’re EVERYWHERE. And we need to make it clear that we won’t take second class citizenship. And this gay man will not stand for it any longer. I’m politically active too.

'Tis the Season Again January 31, 2008

Posted by truthspew in Bad manners, brainwashing, Catholic Church, christianity, Dumb Ass Mother Fuckers, evangelism, politics, republican, secular society, stupidity.
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The season when those wingnuts come out with their anti-abortion screed. I guess it’s too cold for these pussies to take to the streets, but then that wasn’t effective anyway. Let’s shame the legislators into making abortion illegal, that’s a much better goal for them.

So I always look at the current photo album on our local rag, The Providence Journal. Today I saw a picture that sums up my feelings on those who are against abortion. They’re so ugly that you wouldn’t want to fuck them anyway. Case in point, this picture:

Abortion Protestors

Notice the fellow holding the Stop Abortion Now sign with that little pout on his face. Would someone please let him know that he looks like Princess Tiny Meat and that his affected pout is so last season.

Then there’s dour Bob to PTM’s right. He doesn’t look all that enthused and I just bet he’s there at the behest of his nagging pseudo-Christian wife. Poor guy probably never gets a moment of peace and he probably looks forward to death since that would put an end to his wife’s nagging bullshit.

To the lower right we have the obligatory breeder with her spawn. Great, another mouth to feed and I notice they didn’t get a shot of daddy in the picture. Why is that?

And to the lower left we have the requisite middle aged women who think their shit doesn’t stink.

I heap my scorn on the guys more than the women because the guys should fucking know better. It is not our right to say who can and cannot have an abortion. And if this country didn’t have such a fucked up attitude about sex maybe there’d be fewer abortions. Who’s to say. But I think the author of Freakonomics made a very good point, the drop in crime rates of the 90’s and on is directly related to the legalization of abortion.

Because time and again, if you force a woman to carry a child to term that doesn’t want the child the state is loathe to step in after the fact. So the child is born into poverty, and poverty breeds crime. It’s that simple.

And here in Rhode Island our governor (Yes, with a little ‘g’ because this asshole doesn’t deserve the honorific capitalization of his title) Don the Asshole CarcieriGovernor Don Carcieri the 1st Asshole of Rhode Island is pushing to move welfare services to faith based initiatives. Ok Don, let me ask you something. Other than spending millions on proselytizing and missionary work exactly what have the churches done to help the poor. Oh some run meal programs, and some act as shelters. But cut welfare down and the churches won’t know what to do with all those people and I’m more than just a bit concerned about using faith based because there’s always that recruitment component.

All in all he’s been a horrible governor. Compared to his predecessor Linc Almond, Carcieri is to the right of Hitler.

So sure Don, cut benefits for the poor and the elderly. Then watch the backlash. It’s good thing you’re only in office for two more years because you’ll obviously go down as Rhode Island’s worst governor.

Today's Religious Fuckwit June 6, 2007

Posted by truthspew in doctors, gay bashing, Gay rights, keep your faith to yourself, puritanical, radicalism, religion, stupidity, vigilance.

I know that fuckwit isn’t a term everyone is familiar with so click the word to see the definition.

Anyhow I have to post the idiots letter verbatim since the Providence Journal requires registration and I’m loathe to subject my readers to that. The letter was of course titled “Lust is not love!” which geeks like me would write as lust != love.

Mr. Paul Kokoski of Hamilton, Ontario is a darling of the NY Times, Washington Post, and now the Providence Journal. For variations of his letters supporting Benny the Rat (Otherwise known as Pope Benedict the XVI) click here, and here is the google search.

Apparently this guy doesn’t stop. And it doesn’t matter where you live, he’s coming to get you. If you’d like to contact Mr. Kokoski send him an email.

I present his latest screed:

Lust is not love!

01:00 AM EDT on Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Concerning the April 24 letter “Love one another” by Linda S. Chandler: Many who support homosexual acts tend to recklessly characterize those in society who disagree with them as homophobic — the term “homophobia” itself intended to denote a disorder. Contrary to what Ms. Chandler writes, however, it is possible to condemn sin without condemning the person who engages in immoral activity.

All parents are aware of this when they, for good reason, discipline their children. The parent still loves the child despite the child’s failings.

The same sentiments are found in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus, who came to fulfill the law of the Old Testament, did not condemn the woman caught in adultery. However, he made it clear to her that she was to “go and sin no more.” This latter part of Christ’s teaching is often neglected by those, such as Chandler, who wish to offer a selective interpretation of Scripture in order to justify their own desires and whims.

The Bible, however, clearly and unequivocally condemns homosexual acts (Gen 1:27-28; Gen 2:24; Matt 19: 4-6; Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10 etc.). Sin is not about “inclusion, love and tolerance.” Ultimately, Chandler has misinterpreted Christianity by confusing love with lust.


Hamilton, Ontario

Indeed, once again he trots out tired religious arguments. And he makes a very big stretch with some of them, including the Genesis citations.

He violates his own beliefs because what he is preaching is not about inclusion, love and tolerance. It is about exclusion and hatred. Mr. Kokoski wants to be your bedroom police. I was rather surprised he didn’t bring out the old familiar citation from Leviticus.

You can’t choose which sections of the bible you wish to believe. It’s an all or nothing thing if you have faith. That’s why I find citation of bible verses to be so offensive, it misses the OTHER message of the book.

Such other messages can be found in Luke 10:27, Luke 6:37, or dare I suggest it, 6:41. Perhaps John 13:34, John 15:12,17, Romans 12:9-10, 15-21 and so on. It appears that the messages of love far outnumber the messages of hate proposed by Kokoski.

While he has to write letter after letter to newspapers I just take the shotgun approach and post it here. Mr. Kokoski needs his own blog so we can all blacklist it.

The stupidity of police February 1, 2007

Posted by truthspew in Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Cartoon Network, IED, police, stupidity.
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When I saw this I was a little concerned. Then I looked at the first “IED” they found and realized it was a character from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. Yes, I watch Adult Swim and while ATHF is a little stupid at times, I’ve watched it.

That not one person in BPD or BFD recognized it is astounding. You can’t tell me that of approximately 1,000+ people on those two forces there wasn’t one who recognized Frylock, or Meatwad, or even Master Shake. I would have recognized them. Interestingly the City of Boston web site looks very Plone like, very similar to the RI SOS web site which I know uses Plone. But the Boston site appears to be completely java based. Too bad, Plone is a hell of a nice open source Content Management System.

It almost makes me want to plunk down $100 and build a half dozen or so LED Blinkies in the form of an upraised middle finger with neodymium magnets on the back and then throw them on various metallic structures around my city to see if our police and fire employees are so damned stupid.