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Marijuana laws based on racism April 21, 2007

Posted by truthspew in drugs, police, Providence.

This is something I’ve long known about, that our nations laws against pot, marijuana, and it’s derivatives are based on empty reasoning. That empty reasoning is racism.

As I’m writing this there’s illegal drug use going on right next to me, in open view of our neighbors. No, it isn’t across the street or in the street but right on my doorstep.

It appears that enforcement is lagging though. For example I regularly walk through Kennedy Plaza which is the central bus hub for the state of Rhode Island. I don’t think a day ever goes by that I don’t smell a familiar odor. And I know I’m not the only one that smells it since there are always police in the plaza.

You know a law is a failure when those who should obey it don’t, and those who are supposed to enforce it fail to do so. That’s probably because lots of cops are using it too. Not while they’re on duty but it wouldn’t surprise me, but when they’re off they’re probably the biggest pot fiends you could ever want to meet.

I've had it February 15, 2007

Posted by truthspew in police, Providence, Snow and Ice Removal.
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I’m so sick of property owners who think they don’t have to clear snow and ice from their sidewalks, or those who believe in the so called god method of snow removal.

As a result I’ve begun doing something about it. From now on when I see an incident I’m taking a digital snapshot of it and then uploading it to my flickr account under my Violators set. In the description I will post owner information.

What really frosts me is those who think they can hide behind LLC’s. I know how to ferret out that info and will add it when I get a chance.

Since the city of Providence isn’t interested in making a little money by fining those even though Article 1, Section 23, Paragraph 13 which states that “Any person found guilty of violating this section shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than three hundred dollars ($300.00). The enforcement of the above shall be done by the city police department.”

Since the police department has more pressing issues, I think it’s up to me to shine the disinfectant sunlight on those who believe they can flout city ordinance.