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Comments about Medical Marijuana in Rhode Island September 9, 2007

Posted by truthspew in customer service, drugs, Marijuana, Rhode Island, training, War on Drugs.

The local rag, the Providence Journal lets people comment and vote on stories. Today they asked if people would use marijuana if they were ill.

Not many have commented but here are the ones there already.

September 9, 2007 09:04 a.m.
Gravely ill persons have stood up to their pain and suffering for generations. Marijuana use is a cop out for the modernists and the addictive crowd among us. Beside being a felony under federal laws, the local use of the drug is severely unregulated. Any friend, neighbor or family member can partake of the liberal stash permitted by the RI law. Mr. Slater, who seems to enjoy making headlines bleating about his cancer problem, ignores those of us who have the same disease but quietly go about our business of living as best we can. Another strike against Rhode Island.. Bill Walsh

This guy is obviously a Calvinist. Sure, bear out the rest of your life in misery and pain for his religious beliefs. I can only hope that Mr. Walsh someday suffers a disease so hideous and painful that he reaches out for relief from marijuana only to be told it’s still illegal because of people like him.

September 9, 2007 08:59 a.m.
and it does, i use it and it helps with back pain after 3 operations that didn’t work, and a fourth that is in the making…

This guy understands the benefits. Marijuana is remarkable for pain relief.

September 9, 2007 08:41 a.m.
C’mon, get realistic. People are legally using morphine derivatives every day. Marijuana is no different. Our society is WAY too paranoid over pot.

Another user that understands the FUD spread by the government, particularly that onerous organization known as ONDCP. The ON part is just describing what it is, what they do is described by DCP, Drug Control Policy. When you consider the number of people locked up and then go on to find that it was for possession of marijuana you see that their policy has been a miserable failure. The War on Drug is illogical.

September 7, 2007 10:31 p.m.
We need drugs from respectable companies, not from Joe the Pusher down on the corner. When someone winds up dead from bad weed, you will hear the outcry then.

Someone who doesn’t know that you can’t OD on marijuana. It’s physically impossible. People like this tell us that weed is more potent now than it’s ever been. Good. you don’t need to smoke as much.

September 7, 2007 03:55 p.m.

No comment here. I tend to agree though.

September 7, 2007 01:19 p.m.
Hell, yeah! Whether a drug is from a plant or manufactured, I would use it if it helped. If you’re going to have a problem with plant based drugs, you’ll have to eliminate a whole host of other useful medicines.

Yet another citizen gets it. If you look back in history hemp was a major crop. Hemp is nothing more than marijuana. And look at the name marijuana, it’s latin in nature, or for the xenophobes out there Mexican.

September 7, 2007 01:19 p.m.
If I was able to legally obtain it, store it, use it as a medicine, and not abuse it, I would imagine, that anything that would ease a person’s illness, would make sense. If I did not operate machinery, or drive, or take myself out in public, and I am no danger to anyone, while I am medicating, then why would I not? The question is really “Now that medical marijuana is legal, what percent of users do you think will abuse the privilege”? I would think it’s the same percentage of folks that are controlled substance abusers, and have lost the ability of personal self control. If Marijuana can ease pain, then why not just subscribe the active ingredient, THC? That way the money grubbing drug companies can control it, and the government can tax the user to death for it, and your insurance can be billed by your healthcare provider. It is all out of control, but the original question should be answered as positive, if it can help ease pain, or nausea, or other symptoms, and the user can be monitored, and does not endanger themselves or others.

This guy is obviously a Republican since only Republicans have never gotten high in their life.

September 7, 2007 12:05 a.m.
Marijuana is not put out by a major drug company in this country, so, no, I would not use it. Only when big business can profit from my disease will I be willing to us a drug.

This one is interesting and seems to have a slight sarcastic tone to it. If this is for real, this is a person who has never grown their own vegetables, or never eaten anything not obtained in a supermarket.

Or on the other side, the writer is someone that understands the evil of corporations which would mean I’m not the only one in RI that sees that. Interesting.

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