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TMI Tuesday #86 – How time flies June 5, 2007

Posted by truthspew in science, TMI Tuesday.

1. Should guys wear pink?

On some guys it looks very good. On others it doesn’t. I’m one of the latter. So guys can get away with wearing pink. Then again I cannot wear orangey yellow colors. Looks very bad on me.

2. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?

Depends on the degree of the kiss. If it’s just a peck type thing eyes open is ok. Anything that involves prolonged sealing of lips, a little tongue, etc. and the old eyes just slam shut. Next thing you know, it’s time for wood.

3. What is the first “non-physical” feature you tend to notice about a person you find attractive?

Sense of humor probably rates as the first thing. If you can’t laugh at the absolute absurdity of life I don’t want to know you.

4. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?

Yes I have. I’m such a freak. Then again I’m a che^h^h frugal bastard but then I realized, when you shower with a friend chances are it’s going to last longer than it normally does. So what saving is there?

5. Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex?

Oooo – this is a really tough one. Oral sex is pretty damned good. You know the old saying, if I could lick my own balls I’d never leave the house. Well, that should explain it. Another one is the old rhetorical question “Why does a dog lick his balls? Because he can.”

Bonus (as in optional): If you could say anything you wanted anonymously to anyone, without identifying that person, what would you say?

You are a sniveling coward. The lowliest piece of excrement, belay that, the lowliest scum that feeds on excrement.


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