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Troppe informazioni mar un centinaio di numero due e trenta (TMI #132) April 22, 2008

Posted by truthspew in TMI Tuesday.

1. Pancakes or waffles? With or without toppings?

Truth be told, waffles. Those little indentations hold the syrup. And the topping has to be real maple syrup.

2. They say, “Way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” What is the way to your heart?

Be able to talk to me. And a sense of humor is at the top there. I’ve been with Keyron for so long we know exactly how to hit the funny bone of each other. And play is a big part too.

3. Have you ever gone to a topless/clothing optional beach? If yes, did you participate?

No I haven’t. By the time I was old enough Moonstone Beach had been closed so that the poor little Piping Plover could mate. Back at the point they’d closed the beach off to humans, there were only 2 nesting pairs of Plover. Now there are 61. So the answer is no, never been.

4. What song reminds you of a previous relationship (for good or bad)?

It’s funny but music never connects to relationships. I honestly cannot say I’ve ever been aware of a song when I’ve been in a relationship. I know lots of songs and occasionally a melody will just play itself in my head, but I never ever associated a song with a relationship. It just doesn’t happen.

5. When, where and with who was your best kiss ever?

September 2, 1993, at the RI State House with Keyron. Here we are 15 years later.

Bonus (as in optional): Does anyone not currently in a relationship with you have pictures or you or your body part(s) that you would prefer that other people not see?

No they do not. It’s funny, back in my days of playing it straight the wedding photographer was an odd guy. Well, a couple years later when I started my journey on the gay scene I run into him again.

I was at a pool party with friends and he was there. He wanted to do a nude set of me so badly but I turned him down.

Thinking back I should have. Yes, I’m only realizing now that back in my early to mid 20’s I was hot stuff and wasn’t cognitively aware of it. I think if I was cognizant of it my life would probably have been a lot different but I’m happy with the way it turned out anyhow.

Keyron says other than my hair starting to gray, I look the same as I did in my 20’s. That freaks me out a bit because I see the changes happening.


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